I was still in awe of my experience with Archangel Michael at my friend’s wedding. I had never experienced anything like that and I hadn’t ever thought that something like that was even possible. Three days after that experience, I scheduled my first appointment with the healer. I had absolutely no clue what to expect at this appointment and I was beyond nervous as this was VERY far outside of my comfort zone.

The day of the appointment arrived and I was so nervous! I didn’t know what to expect, I wasn’t sure what I was going to have to do, but I went to the appointment anyways. The appointment ended up being amazing, in fact, I enjoyed it so much that I booked my next session for the following month. After my third appointment, something shifted in me and I knew right then that I was here on this Earth because I was also a healer.

I continued seeing the healer every month for years. I worked through so many emotions and experiences stuck within me, yet I still felt so unfulfilled despite having a lot of amazing things happening in my life at the time. There was an emptiness inside that I wasn’t sure how to fix. I knew I was supposed to be a healer, but I was too scared to admit that to anyone. There were so many fears and doubts about my inner knowing. What if I was wrong? What if she said I was way off base and that wasn’t actually my calling? I let my mind make up all of these stories and the stories created even more fear, which was also stopping me from moving forward. At some point, I finally got brave enough to ask her if she too thought I was a healer. She was so happy that I had discovered the truth about my calling! Soon after, I enrolled myself in the first level of Healing Touch. I made my way through the first three levels and even some advanced classes that were offered and I grew so much during that time. I was now able to feel energy with my hands and my intuition was really kicking in. I was doing healings on close friends and family and was testing out my new skills and although it felt exciting to be discovering these new abilities, I had so much fear around moving in that direction as a career. I was terrified of sharing my gifts and knowledge about energy work and so I immersed myself into my life instead. I still showed up for my monthly appointments and even started attending the monthly class my healer hosted. I stayed in the comfort of my bubble. I felt safe exploring and slowly growing energetically within that bubble of people that I trusted, but that unfulfilled empty feeling remained.

I was not moving forward with my healing gifts at the rate in which the universe was satisfied with because my healer, who by this point had become my mentor was pushing me to step into my calling. I got frustrated with her trying to push me out of my comfort zone month after month. A couple of months after her repeatedly pushing even harder for me to step into my energy work, I was invited to a meditation and although that wasn’t within my safe bubble of people that I knew and trusted, I decided to try it out. This ended up being a very significant choice in my life as this is when everything began to change for me. I discovered a new group of people that worked in a completely different energy than I had experienced before. I regularly attended the weekly meditation and it immediately awakened so much inside of me and shortly thereafter put me on a fast track of continuous growth and constant state of pushing past my limits. I discovered a new mentor who I allowed to step into my life and show me how to push my boundaries even further. The last two and a half years has brought me through an incredible amount of self-awareness, and massive growth emotionally, spiritually, energetically and physically. It’s really hard to sum up the expansion that I have experienced and the knowledge, awarenesses and the skills that have come through with the retreats, the meditations and the abundance of classes and programs I have attended. I put myself on a path that has stretched me further than I thought possible. It has turned me inside out and upside down, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have found the energetic vibration that I belong in and I have found my courage (at least most of the time!) to share my gifts with humanity. I have also found the solution to that unfulfilled empty feeling! It’s to share my energetic gifts with humanity and to help people evolve from their old patterns and belief systems and to assist them in discovering themselves at a much deeper level. I am forever grateful for my healer and mentor, Joanne for pushing me out of the nest where I felt so comfortable and safe and to Jeanne, my other mentor for catching me as I was falling from the nest, unsure of how or where I would land. Had those two magnificent beings not entered my life, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

I know my learning and expansion does not end here. I will continually be pushing myself past the next layer of comfort and pushing myself through even deeper spaces. There is still so much more for me to discover about myself and so much more growth to occur so I can continue to support my clients on their journey of growth, self-discovery and expansion.

I hope you enjoyed this brief snippet of my life and I look forward to meeting all of you and hope that we can work together to light up your journey with more peace, joy and love than you thought were even possible!  

Much peace and love to you,


Are you looking for some assistance on your journey? Are you feeling a void that you’re unsure of how to fulfill it? If so,  set up an appointmenttwith me to help you clear those pieces blocking your forward movement!

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